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Learning something new is strengthened from refining your Basics

…this was what I learned from my AcroYoga (Acrobatic Partner Yoga) days where if you wanted to advance, you had to go back to basics first.

Like many I used to roll my eyes when my teacher would say, go back to basics first.  That was before I really understood that going back to your grassroots is the secret to an unshakeable foundation in any kind of growth.  This is what this 4-week course is about, coming back to the foundations of a Yoga Practice.

Back to basics is like filling in the gaps that got overlooked or missed.   

Yoga translate ‘to unite’, a union of Body, Mind, and Spirit which is what makes you feel like a whole person. A true solid practice in Yoga is working on these 3 pillars and these will change as you grow and change. By going back to basics you acknowledge your progression and from there your right direction to move forward.

Teacher Sadhguru says “Yoga is not a religion but a technology for transformation”.

You are not just a body, therefore it is important to be strong, healthy, and flexible of mind and have some kind of relationship with your spirit.  Yoga Postures are not just physical exercises, but a gentle way to manipulate your energy back to balance. The postures with breathing practices help to calm your nervous system preparing and training your ability to sit long enough with yourself in meditation practices where stillness and calmness can you connect with your true Self.   

Each session will include breathing (Pranayama) practices as they teach us concentration, invite calmness and stillness, and a great Segway to Meditation. And a little philosophy to awaken right thought and understanding.

Week 1: Introduction to yoga – This is where you learn how to prepare both body and mind.  Moving with breathe shifts your practice from just going through the motions to a moving meditation.  Focusing on breathing is what increases energy and helps with concentration.  The movements help to remove stagnation, increase circulation, and improve flexibility in your muscles and joints. A good starting point for those new to yoga, and preparation for other yoga practices.

Week 2: The lower body – Get more grounded and solid with your feet, legs, and hip alignment for standing, balance, and sitting postures as well as core activation (Mula Bandha and Uddiyana Bandha).

Week 3: The upper body  When your hands become the foundation we need to protect your wrists and shoulders from injury. When twisting get more mobile in your upper body to protect your lower back and shoulders.  (Jalanadhara Bandha)

Week 4: Back Bends aren’t how far you can bend backward, but with the support of your lower and upper body we avoid back pain and instead reap the benefits from strengthening our back body with is so beneficial if you do lots of sitting. Once the foundations are set in place can we move between postures with ease and grace –  finish with a guided relaxation (Yoga Nidra)

Book In Here – course only $120

Book Here for the course plus 30 Days extra of unlimited yoga $189