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Yoga For Lower Backs with Physiotherapist Tamara James

If you have chronic or recurring back pain then this workshop is for you. This concise workshop is focused on the practical aspects of understanding your spine and letting you know what to do to look after it.

Personally, you will be able to identify the problems that might be causing your symptoms, whether low, mid-back, or neck.

Yoga provides an excellent pathway of management as an alternative or complement to other therapies. Knowing how to adapt is valuable knowledge so you take back control.

Different bodies respond to different practices according to age and posture. Does your back need more back bending, forward bending, or twisting? Are your hips the problem? or do you need more core stability?

Join physiotherapist and yoga teacher Tamara James in this 3-hour workshop to discover the most beneficial practices for your back. Tam is one of Australia’s most experienced physiotherapists using yoga as a therapeutic modality. She has broad experience managing acute mechanical issues – strains and sprains and also debilitating chronic pain that seems never to end. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from her.

For teachers attending the workshop, you will be training your eye to notice the bodies of your students, in order to better cater for them in your classes.

When: Saturday 26th Feb

Time: 11:30 am – 2:30 pm

Cost: $70 inc gst