“Are you a drop in the ocean? Or can you be the ocean in a drop? 

As a drop in the ocean, life can be challenging, overwhelming and daunting. We can experience vulnerability piercing us in so many ways, negative or positive, light or dark. We can be courageously open and vulnerable, or shut down and traumatised. Both states of being are elemental in our body, our nervous system and mind states.” – Dr Pee Tek Chan

When I read this, I was like, yes! Cause I recently felt both of these states of mind simultaneously. Watching myself dance between trying to stay in my truth and hold loving kindness, to wavering back to feeling hurt and defenceless.

I’ve been listening to an audiobook on The Gaslight Effect (by Dr Robin Stern), how to spot and survive the hidden manipulation others use to control a situation. Some people will try and convince you their version of the truth is correct, even build an army to convince you are wrong, 

To stay in your own reality can take a lot of strength and determination to not give in, despite the temptation to easily give in.

Standing solo isn’t scary when you know who you are on the inside.  

I’ve been fortunate to have some intensive training with two of my favourite yoga teachers. With daily meditation and pranayama I got to practice holding everything that pushes your buttons lovingly in my heart.

Using breath to calm my nervous system, I could keep tethered to loving kindness towards myself and those shenpa’s (button pushers).  

To feel small and vulnerable is to believe you are a mere drop trying to navigate a vast stormy ocean. 

To remember you are the ocean in a drop is to embrace the power rising in me and direct it for better use.  

I often felt what’s the point of meditation;
My mind is racing,
My body aches,
I hate being reminded of what comes up.

I now see that the whole process as training. A Yoga Practice that is practicing staying alert, mindful, present, and focused.

Like any other muscle in your body, you only know how strong you are when it is time to act, you discover you have skills you can call upon.

You practice like any other muscle in your body, and when it is time to act, it’s then you discover you have skills you can call upon.  

Stay patient, 

Stay kind to yourself and others

Keep practising.