If you cannot look me in the eyes and talk to me from your heart, then is it really my issue?

It’s a thought I woke to this morning and worth sharing on this lovely Valentine’s Day. It takes a lot of courage to stay centered in the heart and be brave to speak the ultimate truth, instead of a perceived truth that comes from your head instead of your heart.

I’ve been diving deeper into the difference between what is ultimately (heart-based wisdom) or relatively true (your head talking) they both walk a very close line. Understanding the difference makes a huge impact on the way you will deal with your relationships and especially the way you will treat yourself.

Sink or swim, be defeated or grow, believe blindly, or seek what is right for YOU. I’ve seen and experienced too much disharmony and love lost too easily because of unskilled abilities to see the ultimate truth.

I read recently that fear and fight are ingrained primal survival reactions we humans still do. We react to self-preserve. I’ll mention again Donna Farhi’s book “Bringing Yoga to Life”, she writes how yoga teaches us to respond rather than react because the waves and ripples we ride every day don’t stop. You will always be given opportunities to test your life skills.

As Yoga teaches me to become more aware and sensitive I notice these tests. Whether others agree or disagree with how I respond to these tests matters less. I can vouch that my heart is bursting more with love when I used to feel hate.  I feel more understanding when I wanted to justify.  I feel bravery when I wanted to cower. I also feel happier to be on my own instead of surrounding myself with negativity… these responses are what matters.

On a day that’s focused on love and connection have a moment to settle more into your own heart first.

  • Is what your feeling the ultimate truth? Or could you take time to uncover and learn more?
  • Is what your thinking the be-all and end-all.  Or could you relax and let go.  Feel more space to breathe. Soften to allow another perspective to come to mind?
  • Is the fight worth it? Or are you tired of wasting your energy?  Can you get along with our difference because deep down we ultimately just want to love and be loved?

We wish you a Happy and lovely day to Your Precious Heart