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Our 6 week Beginners Course is a first step towards understanding the theory and practice of yoga for newcomers or those wanting to get back into or refine their practice.

Next course commences January 23rd – BOOK NOW >

At Clayfield Yoga Studio our unique 6 week program is designed around the understanding that learning something new takes time. We recognise that if we need to practice something repeatedly a few times for it to becoming a lifelong habit. Therefore for your convenience we offer not one, but a number of classes each week so your investment has a better chance of seeing changes happen. Over 6 weeks we will help you build confidence and knowledge for a good solid foundation in yoga.

The teachers are all fully qualified, highly trained and believe not one way of practising yoga suits everybody, so we work to help you find your way.

This January will be your opportunity to invest in our unlimited Yoga Pass that gives you:

  • Access to 60 yoga classes over the 6 weeks, so there will be times that suit you
  • Break down of the foundational yoga poses and personal adjustment to suit your individual needs
  • Access to training videos and notes for continual education in the comfort of your own home
  • Out of class personal support if required
  • Progressional learning that builds each week to leave you feeling confident and ready to attend ongoing classes.

This whole package is valued at $810, so our price of $120 is fantastic value. Why? Because at Clayfield Yoga Studio we want you to come and see for yourself that yoga is:

  • not scary and not competitive (no one will be looking at you – everyone concentrates on themselves)
  • you don’t have to be flexible, young or fit to do it. This is just a by product from the practice. Yoga is for every body.
  • The benefits, well there are many but really, we want you to be happy, healthy people for the rest of your lives. Happy self, happy home, happy communities…

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[button link=”https://www.wellnessliving.com/rs/catalog-payment.html?k_id=163413&sid_purchase_item=promotion” color=”default” size=”” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_blank” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” alignment=”left” class=”” id=””]INVEST NOW – $120 – 23RD JANUARY[/button]

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Take advantage of this offer of $120 for unlimited yoga classes until 18th January.