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6 week Yoga Course – commencing 4th May 2019
(2 specialty classes plus unlimited access to all classes during the 6 weeks).

Yoga is a fast-growing form of exercise that compliments our lives. Thanks to professional athletes, there is an increase of science-based evidence proving how mental health is just as important as physical health. Yoga is as much about a personal inquiry and self-exploration as it is about learning how to become physically stronger and more flexible. This course will cover both traditional and modern approaches to Yoga. The specialty classes will focus on how to adjust the practice to suit your needs. It does not matter if you are an absolute newcomer or looking to learn more. All teachers at Clayfield Yoga Studio have the experience to support you on your journey

Gain confidence and knowledge to build a solid foundation in the fundamentals of a yoga practice.

This course will be progressive. The first week starts off with movements to prepare your body for the weeks ahead. These movements are essential in removing stagnation, increase circulation, and improve flexibility in your muscular system. They help to remove the stiffness accumulated overnight or from a stationery, inactive lifestyle.

The weeks ahead will move through some of the foundational postures from Standing to Balancing, Core and Seated Poses, Forward folds, Backbends, Twists, and gentle Inversions. These postures plus breathing practices and meditation techniques to reduce stress and fatigue from our bodies and aid in calming those busy minds.

This 6-week course has 2 classes per week;
– Saturday 11:30 am
– Thursday at 6:45 pm
Students can attend both of these classes at no extra cost as well as having unlimited access to the studio’s on-going weekly classes to practice what they learn. Putting into practice immediately increases the capacity to retain knowledge and to increase flexibility.