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Meditation Made Easy

We’ve all heard of the benefits of meditation – reduced stress levels, improved concentration, lower blood pressure, becoming more able to handle living in this crazy world.

But why does it seem that Meditation is a chore, or that it is difficult to achieve the quiet silent mind we are told is required to be good at meditation.

Developing a practice that is for people living in the world today may not necessarily be what you expect – or believe – from what you have traditionally heard meditation should be.

What if meditation were as easy as thinking of something you loved to do and diving deep into that experience; as simple as drinking your favourite beverage or eating sweet chocolate; as full of wonder as looking at the night sky; as natural as enjoying being yourself, as thrilling as your greatest experience.

Each week of this six-week course builds skills and experiences that will provide you with the foundation of a practice that is life-affirming and enriching.

Begin by diving deep into what you love in life and be absorbed in your sensory experience of those moments.

Discover that your meditation time is not static and still – but that you flow through cycles of experience – you rest, heal and prepare for action. Lose the notion that meditation is a forced stilling of the mind or focusing and concentration on the breath – but is an open engagement with own life force.

Explore your relationship with the elements, and develop an open inquiry into breath meditations.

Get in touch with the instincts that drive you – that comes into your awareness – and how these play out in our emotions in your meditation time.

You will move,  – creating our own mudra (gestures) and mantra (words or affirmation) from characteristics you want to further develop in your life.

Learn to welcome all of who you are – practice skills to tolerate, accept, welcome, embrace and even celebrate your experiences both in our meditation practice and more importantly in life.

This course is about meditation as yoga  -tenderly bringing all parts of yourself together – with your life force – and practicing being in tune with your essential nature so that you can move through the world with ease, grace, and love.

Purchase your pass here:

$150 per person

$250 with a friend

$25 casual drop in