With Winter upon us, some changes to our studio have been made to reflect the colder days.

The best advice one of my teachers gave me was “If you don’t commit to continually moving and learning during winter you start to fall behind in the health and wellbeing goals you set for yourself“. Being a Townsville girl, I recognise the colder weather makes it challenging for me to do my personal practice, so I lean on group exercise.  The pace, energy, and fun of sharing in group classes are really beneficial and supportive of our progress. The community vibe and experiencing different styles of teaching and in a class setting allows me to pick up on the energy of the other students to keep uplifting my own practice.

So here is some inspiration we are offering to keep moving this winter:

 Class Pass Specials are on sale from 1st till 30th June.  

WinterWarmer Pass #1 – 10 Class Pass $100 (10-week expiry)

Winter Warmer Pass #2 – 30 Days of Unlimited Yoga $110 (30 Day expiry)

Both passes can be purchased Online or at StudioOn Sale till June 30. No pass extensions.

From 1st June our timetable is changing.

During winter as we crave to get warm, so the heaters are on and we have tweaked the classes to help get the chill out of your bones. Some bigger changes to the timetable are listed here.  

  • Monday 6 am – Jamie is upping the ante with postures to ‘Uplift and Rebalance’.  With breath and dynamic movements to loosen your spine. The health and suppleness of your spine reflect on the health and youthfulness of your body.
  • Tuesday 5:30 and 6:45 pm – The beautiful Mumma Fiona has decided it’s time to hand the baton over to Sana.  Fiona has a few months left before her baby arrives so Sana will take over as of 5th June.
  • Thursday 6 am – Carmel with full-time work has handed her teaching spot over to Michael McDowall. Our Saturday morning goers will be happy to know he is back regularly now on our schedule.  You will also see more of him teaching meditation made easy classes
  • Thursday 7:15 am – Wait, what? yes, a new class looks to be added to this time slot.  With the Tuesday 7:15 am picking up and with comments like, 6 am is just too early, we welcome the same time Thursday. The class will start mid-June… check back to confirm.
  • Thursday 6:45 pm – wait there is more!!! yep, once the yoga course finishes we will try out a new class here too. Sharon will run a Yang to Yin class.  This will be flowing practice to help bring balance between the Yang (Masculine) and Yin (Feminine) aspects of ourselves. Class starts with a flowing (Yang) movement and balance postures to warm and open the body. Then moves into the Yin portion where we explore long, deep holds for stretching and releasing the connective tissue to help relax your muscles and calm the mind. The latter part of the class is more floor based postures to help stretch and release your muscles, improve joint mobility, and bring a sense of calmness and balance to the mind and body. The combination of Yang to Yin is designed to leave you feeling calm, invigorated and refreshed for a better nights sleep.
  • Sunday Flow to Restore – New start time of 4 pm.  So you are home early enough to end the weekend and prepare for your new week ahead.

The next round of Ground2Grow workshops commences 17th June. Starting with our Earth Chakra | Getting Grounded. Creating solid foundation allows your practice to flourish. Our Earth is that which attracts us inward to our centre, which supports and nourishes us. Gravity is supporting our bones, enabling you to stand proud and tall. Earth is fertile, soil enriched by all the living things that it has accepted as compost, renewed to be used again. Earth is having a place where you feel at home, a place to call your own, the ability to settle down and let go. The Earth is nourishing spiritually as well as physically. The Earth welcomes all and is the perfect place to start your journey.

Come to one for $120 or book in for the full program and save $$